Beautiful Arkansas…
Am finding here, as a relatively naive freshman at Walktothepark JC, that so much of this is mental, and will increasingly become more and more. At this point, my body can walk twenty miles a day, did 20.9 today, relatively comfortably and without pain. Pretty much the same as yesterday, which was awesome, but I dragged today, at least for the first half, before gluing myself together (another mom expression!).
Not exactly sure why I woke up in a snit, but I did. Nothing serious, just not my usual happy enthusiastic self. Coffee helped, but I just went through the motions of packing and getting on the road, facing 21 miles. Couple of miles later, snafu with my care package, eagerly awaiting for tomorrow, but not happening until next week sometime… even the best laid plans. So I spent an long time trying to figure out how to reroute care package consisting of new shoes and a few other things. It’s hardly Amazon Prime out here - I have no address for more than 12 hours at a time, so it makes things a bit tricky. Anyhow, for the first half of the day, I just walked, kinda stressed out and a bit peeved. And things start to hurt, and backpack gets uncomfortable, and it’s hotter than it actually is, and you find yourself looking down at the pavement instead of the gorgeous green fields and blue sky dappled with clouds.
That’s when I just stopped, went to JJ’s on the Interstate (I crossed it several times today but never on it!), had a BLT and tay, unsweetened. By the time I got up, everything was back in perspective… care package will work itself out, it’s a spectacular day, you’re healthy, you’re almost 450 miles from departure, you’re as fortunate as any person could be, so quit your bitchin’. Second half was much better than the first, and lesson is properly filed and labeled. Backpack was lighter.
Another hats-off the Arkansas… the best.
Settled in here in Benton, AR, all good. Walked up the road earlier for a pizza and a beer(2). Not a nice road, near freeway, dark by then, so I called an Uber… shortest Uber ride ever resulted in the nicest encounter with Amber. Amber is one of those great people unto whom we entrust our kids - a school teacher, and wanted to tell her class about this, to which I say by all means, please.. this is what this is all about.