Scene of the crime, number 2.
They can’t always be perfect… close, but not perfect. Started off almost, and the first 15 miles were really nice, much like yesterday, quiet, green. It was getting hotter, but still bearable, thinking I only had three miles to go. Was happily listening to Shake it Out (again) when I looked up to see blue lights flashing my way. Nevada County AR police vehicle again, stopped in my shoulder, about 30 yards away. So I start my routine… music off, headphones off, sunglasses off, this time hat off, given my haircut. Walk towards vehicle, stop 15 or so feet in front, allow officer to approach you. Smile, let him have the first word. Once again, someone spotted a man with a rifle - at least it wasn’t an assault weapon this time. So I showed him the new improved trekking poles, told him about my walk to New York, he wanted to know why, I told him I just want to help people find their happy… kinda raised his eyebrow but I’m sure he thought about it afterwards. Ran my licence this time, no trouble of course. So we parted ways, and full of adrenaline, walked the next three miles into Prescott in about 45 minutes!
And with that was more sadness about this country having gotten to this point. I will give the benefit of the doubt to whoever called me in, and think I know why it happened. I was waiting on the far end of a short bridge, waiting for a truck and a couple of cars to drive by, as it was a bit narrow. I was standing behind a sign post, partially hidden, and can understand a mis-sighting, but it still is sad. I’m being extra-cautious about where I stop, but the key is just to walk, and walk with purpose. No one reports a man walking, and waving. Lesson learned. And again, appreciation and thanks to the officer for his professionalism and courtesy.
Finally got to town, but there is very little here, sadly. I walked the additional mile or so hoping to find some food, but besides a convenience store, there was none. As I walked down the main street, most businesses were shuttered, but you can tell this was once a booming little town. So I headed to hotel, my detour having taken me an additional 4 miles. My landscape had changed, it was noisy, it was hot, no shade, somewhat industrial, a far cry from my morning out of Hope!
Spent a lot of time this morning thinking about yesterday’s post, and I will return to it, but trust me, tonight is not the night. This evening I will just get through and start anew in the morning. Having to use my phone as a hot spot, have one bar. Hotel is, shall we say, fair. And I hope for some better food tomorrow; today was meh fried chicken from the gas station for lunch (they forgot my biscuit, which is what I most wanted), and dinner was a so-so barbecue sandwich, a bag a Fritos and some Gatorade. Same gas station, only thing around for a mile, and I wasn’t about to walk anymore. Where art thou Whole Foods? I’d give anything for a salad right now.
Leave you with this… a little out of context, but I sang it for the last couple of miles…